"The best Bigfoot doc of this decade!" - Eduardo Sanchez, Co-Writer and Co-Director of THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT and Director of EXISTS
"Recommended." - Cliff Barackman, FINDING BIGFOOT
"We dig your doc!" - James "Bobo" Fay, FINDING BIGFOOT
"The production values and cinematography are terrific, the re-creations are well-done and the entire package is absorbing. I highly recommend you check it out." - Alex Grecian, Writer and Co-Creator of PROOF
"SOUTHERN FRIED BIGFOOT is a highly entertaining, thought-provoking and suitably atmospheric study of the beast of the Deep South. Packed with notable testimony and expert commentary from the South's leading monster-hunters and cryptozoologists, SFB is required viewing for everyone who wants to learn more about this elusive creature, those that have been fortunate to see it, and those who have made it their life's work to uncover the truth. An excellent production!" - Nick Redfern, Author of THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE WOODS
"Top-notch." - Lyle Blackburn, Author of THE BEAST OF BOGGY CREEK
"For those who don't yet know, there exists a Southern version of the crypto critter in both legend and recorded sightings. SOUTHERN FRIED BIGFOOT documents a swamp-lovin' variation on the typically more oft-cited Pacific Northwest cousin Sasquatch, including hair-raising re-creations of eyewitness encounters with the creature throughout the Gulf Coast states and beyond. Well-directed and serious-natured as opposed to skeptical or dismissive, SOUTHERN FRIED BIGFOOT is bound to be appreciated by the legion of cult believers who ravenously devour each new Bigfoot movie as hungrily as any demon of the woods might an accidental tourist. Recommended." - Dave Coleman, Author of THE BIGFOOT FILMOGRAPHY
"SOUTHERN FRIED BIGFOOT is the closest any true Bigfoot Researcher is going to get to going on an expedition to track down the elusive giant without actually getting off the couch! Get a copy. You'll like it." - Todd Dezago Writer, SENSATIONAL SPIDERMAN, TELLOS, THE PERHAPANAUTS
"Far and away the best documentary on the subject I’ve ever seen." - Duane Graves, Co-Writer and Co-Director of THE WILD MAN OF THE NAVIDAD
"SOUTHERN FRIED BIGFOOT is a great film that gives a deeper look into the alleged Bigfoot phenomenon. Many people don't realize that the Bigfoot legend belongs to the entire continent of North America and not just the forests of the Northwest." - Joe Griffin, Host of NIGHTFALL, KRFE 580 AM
"This documentary was a blast to watch and kinda makes you go 'Hmm, could there really be a Bigfoot somewhere out there?'" - Kristin Theckston, Horror Society
"Engaging and entertaining." - Jeremy Wells, Anomaly Magazine
"I have watched far more Bigfoot documentaries than is healthy for one person; SOUTHERN FRIED BIGFOOT stands out from the crowd. The production itself is first-class; the editing is especially good. Well worth watching." - Paul Vella, Centre for Fortean Zoology
"Terrifically entertaining." - Chris Dortch II, Film Historian
"Although it doesn't contain a single delicious apeman recipe, SOUTHERN FRIED BIGFOOT is a pretty good watch." - Shawn Lindseth, hecklerspray
"The documentary is exceptional and is definitely a must-see for Bigfoot enthusiasts; be sure to check it out. You won't be disappointed." - Jason Gammon, The Demoniacal
"A thoughtful presentation on Bigfoot; certainly worthy of a closer look." -
Daniel Perez, Editor of THE BIGFOOT TIMES
"Hands down one of the best Bigfoot docs out there. Classic, regional, and very well-researched, it’s head and shoulders above a lot of the tedious Bigfoot fare you catch on TV nowadays. Highly recommended." - Matt Rotman, Bonkers Ass Cinema
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